The encounter and transformation we need.

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Sunday 22nd September 2024

Theme: The encounter and transformation we need

Texts: Acts 9:1-6

Preacher:  Dr. Abel MUYISA


Do you feel confident in your faith because you have memorized the Bible? well, that’s impressive yet not enough. Take Paul, for example, he was convinced he understood God's rules perfectly; His zeal for righteousness, however, led him to persecute Christians. His story is a powerful reminder that even the most extensive knowledge of God's Word is insufficient without a genuine relationship with Him. 


Let's explore what happened when Paul encountered Jesus.


  1. When the light struck him, he asked, "Who are you, Lord?" This was a man deeply familiar with God's law, yet suddenly he was uncertain about God's voice. This is a contradiction. Brothers and sisters, we may know a great deal about God, but still be unfamiliar with His voice. Why is this possible? It's because unless we have an encounter with Jesus, unless He reveals Himself to us, as Ephesians 1:17-18 states. Paul understood that no amount of education about God can lead a person to truly know Him, unless God reveals Himself.


  1. When he met Jesus, Jesus didn't change his direction. He kept him moving toward Damascus. But what changed was the purposeof his journey. When you meet Jesus, He won't necessarily change your direction, but He will change the purpose of what you're doing. When we encounter Jesus , He transforms our agenda. This transformation happens within us. Consider your own life. What are you pursuing? When Jesus enters your life, He won't allow you to continue living for fleshly desires. Instead, by His Spirit, He will guide your path toward fulfilling spiritual purposes. What are you living for? This isn't just about turning away from sin, but also turning away from things you value more than God. Philippians 3:3-11 is Paul's testimony of this transformation by the Spirit of God.


  1. When you encounter Jesus, He will tell you what to do. He won't leave you to figure it out on your own. In other words, your will will become dependent on Him, leading to humility and reliance. Jesus didn't tell Paul directly what to do. Instead, the very people Paul was going to persecute became the means through which God would deliver His message. 



No one will ever fully know God. Let us continue to desire to know Him more, regardless of our level of understanding of Scripture or our intimacy with Christ. This is more than a religion; it is a relationship with the person of Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit.

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