Trusting God even when life is not how you picture it

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Sunday 4th August 2024

Theme: The power of the active faith

Topic: Trusting God even when life is not how you picture it

Texts: Romans 8:28, 1 Samuel 16 up to 2Samuel 5

Preacher: Dr. Abel MUYISA


Fifteen years ago, many of us couldn’t envision our lives as they are today. Just as David's story unfolded in unexpected ways, so too have our own paths. Let’s explore the lessons from his remarkable journey to kingship.

God’s favor had been withdrawn from King Saul due to disobedience, creating a void for new leadership. Enter David, a seemingly ordinary teenager overlooked by his family. Yet, surprisingly, Samuel anoints him as the future king right before his family. Can you imagine being marked for greatness while others see you as ordinary? While they saw a shepherd, God saw a king. Despite his divine destiny, David continued tending sheep at his father’s command. It’s easy to question why, when promised greatness, one is still treated as ordinary.

Lesson 1: God can genuinely anoint you but still hide your value, will you trust Him even when circumstances don’t align with His promises?

When Goliath, the giant, challenged the Israelites, young David was eager to fight. But his older brother, Eliab, scolded him and told him to go back to tending the sheep. We've all faced people who doubt our abilities. Remember, God's plans are bigger than anyone's opinion. Don't let their disbelief hold you back.

Lesson 2: When God has promised you something, don’t always count on the support of the people around you. Love them, but rely on God’s promises and trust in His faithfulness.

David's journey to the throne was a long and challenging one. Anointed three times over fifteen years, he faced constant opposition from King Saul, who was jealous of God's choice. Forced to flee for his life, to the point David became a refugee. 

Brethren, it’s easy to feel discouraged when a promised blessing seems delayed, especially when faced with opposition. But remember, God is always at work, building you for the position He's destined for you.

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