Trusting in God no matter the outcome

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Sunday, 28th July, 2024 

Topic: Trusting God no matter the outcome 

Book: Daniel 3:16-18 

Preacher: Dr. Isaac MUYONGA 

Trusting God is relaying on his words and his ability to save, heal and deliver. The story read in the book of Daniel chapter 1, 2 and 3 calls us for an uncompromised faith in God like the one Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego had; although they faced challenges after challenges, their faith remained anchored in God. As every spiritual victory marks the beginning of another temptation, the fight is permanent and armored must be our faith. 

Here are three things which will help us to face temptations: 

1, We have to show beforehand our position whenever we are tempted: This is a decision to make there and then, there is no room for doubts nor delay; like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego decided on the spot no to bow before the golden statue and remain faithful to God. The more we doubt, the more we are likely to make the wrong decision. 

2, When we are facing Satan, we have to stand on our ground and not change our mind on his sweet words: Faith is not only believing but also refusing and choosing (Hebrews 11:24-25). Even when Nebuchadnezzar tried to create troubles in their hearts, these fellow believers did not change their minds as they knew that God would be with them in and out of the flames.   

3, Trusting God is deeply rooted in our personal relationship with God: Experience builds knowledge. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego faced the adversity with a faith which was based on their personal experience and relationship with God (Psalms 95:7). They believe in God´s will and decision no matter what as they knew that God could deliver them and if not, his will always works for the best in our lives.   

God cannot forsake his people, his grace is sufficient (2Corinthians 12:9), that´s all we´ve got to believe. Dear lector, like Job, let´s affirm these words: Behold He will slay me; I have no hope; yet I will trust him. (Job 13:15)    

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