Oh, What a great faith.

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Sunday 14th July, 2024 

Theme: Oh what a great faith 

Book: Luke 7:1-10 

By brother William LEWIS 


Life is full of challenges and in most of the cases, we aren’t fully prepared nor are we ready. But there are always alternatives so that we can chose between the multiple answers of live which are: 

a) we can do it ourselves  

b) we can call on family and d friends 

c) we can ignore it 

d) we can leave it in the hands of God  


The three first possibilities aren’t suitable because: firstly, even with all the resources we might have, we can’t handle some problems on our own; secondly, friends can be fake and family is not always reliable; and thirdly, ignoring the problem is definitely not solving it.  


Now the question is what kind of faith is required to be able to leave everything in God’s hands? Well, in the light of the story of the centurion who ask Jesus to heal his slave, here are 3 points to take into consideration:  


1. Real faith is « expecting God to answer and at the same time, trust him even if the answer won’t come as it believes that He can and will do something even better. »

While the centurion sent Jews to bring Jesus, he was prepared at the fact that Jesus wouldn’t come. 

2. Real faith is « asking God for something and then stepping back to let place to his will to came true ». God’s plan is far better and greater than we could ever imagine. 

3. Real faith is « knowing that we are not worthy but yet you still ask ». Thee Jews saw the centurion as someone worthy of Jesus’ miracle but the centurion didn’t think so, yet he expect Jesus to do something. ( Hebrews 4:14)  


In conclusion, we’ve got to come before God conscious of our sins and unworthiness but confidently aware of his desire to forgive and give. We must strongly believe that there is power in the word of God. Just on Jesus’ word, circumstances will change.

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