The risen Christ is worthy of your trust

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Sunday 28th April 2024 

Topic: The risen Christ is worthy of your trust 

Text: John 21:1-14 

Preacher: Dr. Abel MUYISA 

The news of the resurrection of Jesus came out as one of a kind news for the disciples. The Lord was risen; Jesus, the powerful teacher, mighty healer, great problem solver was back to life; obviously, it was a good news. 

Nevertheless, in the story read in John 21, the atmosphere doesn’t look like a moment of excitement, as Jesus is risen but his presence is no longer tangible the way it used to be. The disciple felt like being in a distance relationship with Jesus. Meanwhile they faced starvation, the Lord was not there yet, so Peter decided to work it out by himself and some other disciples followed him. He worked hard, smart, long enough and received all the assistance he needed, but all those things didn’t bring any fish. They were looking for fishes in the middle of the sea while Jesus had plenty of them ready to be eaten. 

What does the decision of Peter mean for us, centuries later? Well, for you and me, going fishing or fixing things by ourselves stands for whatever step we take on bases of natural wisdom after we have received God’s word. So the questions are: “Do you still love Him; are you still counting on God’s faithfulness to his word or have you already decided on a practical alternative?” Whatever effort we make without trusting and obeying God’s word will cost us a lot and at the end, it won’t be fruitful at all. We must wait for the Lord. Psalms 27:14 

Human made formula cannot succeed in a God given assignment. If God gives a vision or a mission, He will also give the provision. Never apply human made solutions to a divine task because it will never sort things out. God is faithful to His word, He is trustworthy. And one way to demonstrate this love is to trust Him once again. Let’s pray: 

Lord, we can’t see you with our eyes, but you still deserve our love and trust. We’ve not seen your provision yet but we’ll wait for you no matter how long it takes. We repent for all the past alternatives we’ve taken when we felt like you were too far from us. We’ll walk by faith, we won’t walk by sight. Amen”  

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