Ladies around Jesus as an example of commitment to the mission

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Sunday, 17th march 2024 

Theme: The more spectacular the restoration is, the huge is the mission 

Topic: Ladies around Jesus as an example of commitment to the mission 

Texts: Luke 8:1-3, Matthew 28:1-7 

Preacher: Dr. Barthelemy AKSANTI   

Last Sunday, we learned that everybody counts, either men or women, poor or rich, short or tall, we are all precious and useful on the eyes of our Lord Jesus Christ. Today’s message calls on us not only to follow Jesus but also to commit ourselves as human and financial resources to the mission as a sign of recognition of the wonders Christ bestowed upon  us, just like Mary Magdalene, Joanna and Susanna did centuries ago. Let’s emphasize the picture of Joanna and learn about real commitment. 

Chuza, Joanna’s husband, was a great person, an officer in Herod’s court, he was like the eyes and ears of the King through who people passed to reach Herod. Obviously, he was wealthy. Despite the position of her husband, Joanna was demon possessed; she struggled from here and there and couldn’t deliver herself from Satan’s prison until she met Jesus. Then, her life changed, she got delivered and saved; above all, she decided to follow and serve Jesus faithfully. Just like Joanna, many of us suffer from sickness and diseases that neither wealth nor influence can heal, only Jesus is able to heal us and drive out the devil spirits from us, so that we can be free. We just have to run to him and surrender ourselves to his cross. Most importantly, the restored shall review his/her priorities in order to serve Jesus’ cause. 

So now, the question is: How do we serve Jesus? Is it only with our presence, our prayers, or with our pockets? When we decide to serve the Lord, let’s do it fully: physically, spiritually and financially. Besides, our commitment must remain constant through the good times and the bad ones, from the Calvary to the tomb until we find out that the rock has been rolled, and the angel sit on it. Dear brothers and sisters, if we remain steadfast in our walk with Jesus, we shall witness the omnipotence of God so then we’ll go and announce how amazing our Lord is.  Maybe, we’ve been stuck at one level and haven’t committed to the mission, let’s know that the grace of God abounds for those who humble themselves. 

May the Lord abundantly bless all the men and women from each land and nation, may He gives us all the courage, desire and strength to serve him wholehearted. Let’s push the gospel ahead and support the mission, let’s serve the Lord ardently and believe that He shall make a way, Amen! 

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