The more spectacular the restoration is, the huge is the mission

Sunday, 10th march 2024

Theme: The more spectacular the restoration is, the huge is the mission .

Topic: Believers Financial Commitment to reach the huge mission

Texts: Exodus 30:11-16

Preacher:  Dr. Isaac MUYONGA


As we enter this month dedicated to the united evangelical mission, we are reminded of the great commission Christ bestowed upon us: to spread the gospel message throughout the world; both in words and actions. This mission is vast and requires the collective effort of every believer. Today, we turn to Exodus 30:11-16 to explore the concept of financial commitment and its role in fulfilling this grand calling.


In this passage, the Lord instructs Moses to build an altar overlaid with pure gold. This altar represents the dedication of the Israelite community to God's work. Every day, Aaron, the high priest, prepares sacrifices – his personal contribution to the mission. Importantly, the construction of the altar itself was funded by the contributions of the entire Israelite community. Each member recognized their responsibility to participate financially in building this crucial symbol of their faith.

However, not all acts of counting people are for God's glory. We are cautioned by the example of King David, who conducted a census to boast his military strength, displeasing the Lord. Our focus should never be on numbers or personal gain. Many churches today fall into the trap of measuring success by membership size, forgetting the true purpose: spreading God's love and message. Only God can truly know who belongs to His flock, as highlighted in 1 Corinthians 6:19 and Psalm 95:7.

But for those who are truly counted by God, counted as members of His Kingdom, a responsibility arises – financial commitment to the mission. Just as the Israelites contributed to the altar's construction, we are called to participate in spreading the gospel and God's love through our finances. Offerings are not a burden for those outside God's flock, but a joyful expression of belonging for those within.

Brothers and sisters, this year, let us examine our hearts. Are we counted among God's own? If so, remember the tireless work of our pastors, like Aaron, who keep the fire of faith burning bright. Just as freely as we received God's love and grace, let us freely give back to advance the gospel. Let our financial contributions, big or small, be a testament to our dedication to fulfilling the Great Commission together.

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