The rehabilitated Joseph and his mission for Egypt.

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Sunday, March 3rd,2024

Topic: The rehabilitated Joseph and his mission for Egypt 

Preacher: Sister Judith ATIAGAGA

Genesis 41:14, 38-45

Joseph was the first son of the beloved wife (Rachel) of Jacob and his father loves him so much. God shows to Joseph in a dream the great mission that he had to accomplish and all these things made his brothers jealous, they hated him so much and wanted to kill him. Finally, they decided to sell him to Midianites who was ont their way to Egypt. 

What characterized joseph’s journey from the pit to the palace? What can we learn from Joseph’s life?

  • Obedience: Joseph showed a lot of obedience during his journey that why the Midianites decided to sell him to the big and honorable Potiphar’s family. While he was in that house, many things happened but he didn’t forget his identity. He decided not to sin against the Lord because he was conscient of the mission that was given to him by God. Many times, we can see ourselves in some position where we can take matters in our own hands and make sin here and there in order to have our way. Let’s us remember that we can’t do nothing on ourselves.  
  • Take care of your dreams: Don’t allow the dreams that God put in you to be killed, they are witness to God.  Remember that not everybody will be happy with you when you tell them the dreams that God has given to you. Be careful who you tell about your dreams or aspirations because not everybody will rejoice. If God sees that you are too young and unexperienced to handle those dreams, He will take them away so that He can take you through restoration for those dreams to be fulfilled.
  • Don’t take matters in your own hands, don’t run ahead of God: In his dreams, Joseph was seeing his brothers bowing before him but he didn’t see Egypt, he didn’t see himself becoming a prince in Egypt where many people would come and bow before him. Ask always yourself these questions: why God has put blessings in my hands? Why am I going through this valley of the shadow of death? Why am I going through trials? What Does God want to accomplish through me? In everything you do, don’t just look at the here and now, look at the bigger picture and stay focused on what you have been called for.
  • Don’t be distracted by what happens along your way: know that your attitude will always determine your altitude. How long you’ll stay in the valley or on the pick of your life will depend on your attitude. As you are walking toward your dreams and following the steps that God has put in your path, remember that you have to move or stop moving at the command of God (Number 8:15-23). 
  • Forgiveness: when Joseph had attended the position of second in command to pharaoh, he sent for his brothers and for his father to come. He didn’t take vengeance over them or make them uncomfortable by reminding them of what happened in the past. 

Beloved in the Lord, as christians, let us remember the identity that Christ has given to us, because we carry his image wherever we go. We have to be sure that we are making disciples through our character, through our behavior and through the position that God has put us in. God will bring to pass every dream that He has put in our hearts for his greater mission.  Amen!

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