Serving God with no restrain a source of stability for the church

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Sunday, October 15th, 2023

Theme: Serving God with no restrain, a source of stability for the Church 

Texts: 1 Chronicles 29:1-10, Malachi 3:10

Preacher: Brother William LEWIS


Time and money are essential within the body of Christ. We cannot avoid mentioning resources because they are important for carrying out the Kingdom's mission. Even Jesus had a treasurer in his ministry. However, because of how money has been misused in the body of Christ, many of us are hesitant to give our financial dues.

In 1 Chronicles 29:1, David, who is at the end of his reign, addresses the people to encourage them to give for the construction of the temple. He knows that Solomon, his son, is young and inexperienced, but he reminds them that God has chosen him for this task. He is aware that building the temple will be a challenge, but he shows his love for God by giving generously of his own possessions.

David encourages the people to give for the temple of God in three ways:

  1. He placed reverence in the project, he held the temple of God sacred, David knew that the temple was a holy place, where God would dwell among his people. He reminded the Israelites of the holiness of the temple and the importance of building it in a way that was worthy of God. Today, the church is the central place of worship for Christians. It is a place where we can come together to worship God, to learn about his word, and to grow in our faith. The question here is how we respond to the needs of the church. 
  2. He sets the example. David was the first to give generously towards the building of the temple. He gave not only of his wealth but also of his own personal possessions. His example inspired other leaders and the people to give as well. This enables Solomon to build a magnificent temple. We can be inspired by David's example to give generously to support the work of the church and inspire others to do so.
  3. He Impacted people and they responded and gave cheerfully and willingly. David's love for God and his passion for the temple project were contagious. He inspired the people to give cheerfully and willingly. They knew that they were giving to something that was important to God and that would benefit the entire nation.

Brothers and sisters, we must learn from David and give generously to the development of the church. When we serve God without restraint, we are a source of stability for the church. May the love and gratitude we have towards God motivate us to contribute to the work he is doing through his body.

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