Discipleship as God's Strategy for influencing the world // Muhindo Malunga

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Sunday, August 6th, 2023

Topic: Discipleship as God's Strategy for influencing the world 

Preacher: Brother Muhindo Malunga

Acts 1:1-8


Jesus Christ came in the world to speak about a new kingdom that will come and will be established. He was the initiator of that kingdom. 

‘What was the strategy of Jesus for making sure that this kingdom spreads across the world?’ His strategy was discipleship.  

This strategy has worked for two thousand years. It has worked through storms, through difficulties, through moments of joy and cry, through moments of wars and peace. The strategy of investing time to teach a few people has produced a massive movement and we are all products of that simple strategy. Through this strategy, God was able to transform confusing people, very fair-minded people and untrained people. What happened to these disciples so that they may be able to do these marvelous things?

We are going to learn tree things from the strategy that Jesus used to transform the world. Which will be a template that is going to help us to know how we can also transform the world. 

  • The call: Jesus started his ministry by making a simple call “follow me”, he didn’t say change and follow me. He didn’t say, be saved and follow me. He didn’t say be transformed and follow me. Jesus didn’t ask someone to be perfect to follow him. Many people have run from Christianity because we ask them to change first and to be perfect so that they may come to Jesus. Our mission is to bring people to Jesus as they are because the journey with Jesus brings transformation. Are you still in the calling phase or have you started the phase of transformation?
  • Learning: in the process of transformation, we need to sit down and learn in humility, so that we may be able to spread the kingdom of God. After learning, we will have also to teach the word of God and invite people to come and see the transformation that the word of God has brought in our lives. We are doing well in teachings, but how well are we doing in telling people to come and see what our acts can produce so that they may be transformed by it?  
  • The empowering: the disciples of Christ had the calling and the knowledge but they lacked the ability to act. Before the disciples received the Holy Spirit, they were people who could run when they faced challenges and persecution (Acts 1:8). But after receiving the power, they could stand before the kings of that time without fear. 

Dear congregation, may the power of God come upon us, so that we may spread the gospel and transform the world for his glory. Amen 

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