The disciple and the test of social media

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Sunday, June 18th, 2023

Topic:  The disciple and the test of social media 

Preacher: Dr. Abel MUYISA

2 Corinthians 13:5

Ephesians 4: 22-32 


As technology can be used in spreading the gospel, it can also come as a test to our lives and to our works. 

In 2 Corinthians 13:5, Paul exhorts the Corinthians to examine themselves and see if they are still in a good relationship with God. This exercise is important and timely even today

As a disciple, why should I care about the effects and consequences of social media?

  • I bear God’s image (Ephesians 4:24): it’s important for us as disciples to care about social media because we bear God’s image and we should reflect him even on social media. When we sin, we stop reflecting God in his own image.
  • I’m not my own (Ephesians 4:25): Christianity is not individualistic, it’s about community, fellowship, and relationship. We are the body of Jesus Christ; a body cannot survive without its members. We are connected to one another; we are members of one another. My relationship with God and my Christianity affect my brother and sister because I’m connected to him spiritually and now digitally. Through social media, we can be encouraged or discouraged in our walk with Christ because of Christians’ behavior on social media. 
  • God is affected by my attitudes and actions (Ephesians 4:30): God can be saddened by my attitudes and actions because He loves me. Just as you love somebody, whatever you do can affect the person. 

As we are called to reflect God’s image, this image can be tarnished on social media because of the way we behave as disciples. 

How do we tarnish God’s image on social media?

  • When I allow social media to rob my time with God (Ephesians 4:30): many Christians have lost their connection with God, they are connected every morning first to their phones and not to God. God wants to be the first in every aspect of our lives. He wants to be the first we connect to. Before getting news of our country before knowing what has been said to us, God wants us to get news from heaven. Because when we know what God says about us, we can have a positive impact. We can’t reflect what we are not exposed to. We always reflect on what we are the most exposed to. 
  • When my speech no longer tastes meekness and compassion (Ephesians 4:29, 31, 32) 
  • When I relay unchecked information (Ephesians 4:31): Every time we do that we give more importance to what is viral instead of to what is true. As Jesus Christ is the truth, we Christians should be committed to what is true. We are not obliged to relay everything that we read or hear. By relaying unchecked information, we contribute to spreading darkness and confusion around us, that’s not what God expects from us.
  • When I withhold the truth by staying silent (Ephesians 4:27): Many times, evil increases not because of the wicked people but because of the good people who decide to stay silent. We have the truth; we are servants of the truth and God expects us to shine on social media. We have not to hide the light we have. 

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