Can new technology be a tool for sharing the salvation message to the world?

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Sunday, 11th June 2023

Theme: Gospel Sharing and new technology

Texts: Romans 12:1-2


In the digital age, technology is everywhere. We use it for everything from communication to entertainment to work. But can we use technology to share the gospel? The answer is yes. In fact, new technology can be a powerful tool for sharing the gospel. Here are some key points for an efficient use of technology:


The gospel gives greater purpose to our use of technology. By defining our reasons for using technology, we can avoid wasting time or scrolling mindlessly through social media. Some people use social media for self-centered purposes, such as feeding their ego, seeking information, running away from the sad realities of their lives, or just for entertainment, However, when we can use technology for a higher purpose which is to share the good news of Jesus Christ with others. 


Jesus gave us the mission of making disciples of all nations, which involves meeting people where they are. Technology connects us with the rest of the world, making it easier to reach out to people in other nations. In the same way that Paul used the Roman roads to spread the gospel, we can use technology to invade the digital space and reach out to people around the world. Just like Paul did, we ought to use the tools that are available to us for the great commission. As we use technology to spread the gospel, it is important to remember that proximity is still important. We should be attentive to the needs of the people around us, both online and offline.

  1. PEOPLE 

The use of new technologies allows us to speak the language of the people of our time. Technology has made it easy for us to share creative content in less time with many people, there’s now a wide variety of content that is accessible online but be aware that there is an agenda behind every piece of content. We are now exposed to all sorts of entertainment and leisure, which can lead to addiction. What we see and hear affects our minds and behavior, so let's use technology to share content that honors God and leads people to the person of Christ.

Brethren, the question is not whether technology can help us share the gospel or not, but whether we believe in salvation enough to use it as a tool for our mission. may God help us to offer our bodies, our digital lives as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to him, and this with the purpose of proximity and the good of people.

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