The Continuing work of Jesus through the church

Sunday, 28th May 2023

Theme: The continuing work of Jesus Christ through the church

Texts: Genesis 1:26-28, Acts 1:8, Acts 2:1-21


Pentecost is a Christian holiday that celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples of Jesus Christ. On this day we will reflect on the power of the Holy Spirit and its role in the great commission of continuing the work of Jesus Christ.

In the beginning, God created man in his own image. Man was created to have a relationship with God and to reflect his glory. However, sin entered the world through Adam's disobedience, and man was separated from God. When the Holy Spirit comes into a person's life, He reveals that person's purpose. 

The spirit needs a body to manifest itself so that the presence of God can be fulfilled and seen on this earth. Men have struggled with failures and temptations since the beginning, even up to this day. Therefore, God took back ownership and control by sending his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord, who came to save the world. When we receive Jesus as our Savior, the Spirit comes into our lives and empowers us to live a life that is pleasing to God.

The first Adam had authority, but no power. He was given the authority to rule over the earth, but he did not have the power to overcome sin and death. The second Adam, Jesus Christ, had both authority and power. He was given the authority to rule over the earth, and He also had the power to overcome sin and death. Jesus demonstrated His power over sin and death by his resurrection from the dead. He defeated sin and death, and he opened the way for us to have eternal life. When we receive Jesus as our Savior, we are given the power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit empowers us to live a life that is pleasing to God, and He also empowers us to share the good news of Jesus Christ with the world.

We are called to be witnesses of Jesus Christ. We are called to use the power of the Holy Spirit to win souls for Christ. When we use the power of the Holy Spirit in the right way, we are able to overcome sin and eternal death, and we are able to bring others to Christ.

Let us commit ourselves to using the power of the Holy Spirit to win souls for Christ. Let us use our authority and power to bring glory to God.

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