The Continuing work of Jesus through the church

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Sunday, May 21st, 2023

Topic:  The Continuing work of Jesus through the church

Preacher: Brother Rogers TONDA

Acts 1:6-8

As the church, we are called to continue the work of God. 

Gospel proclamation and discipleship aren’t just for pastors and preachers or for those who serve in the choir. The whole church is entrusted with this mission, and each of us plays an integral part. God equips every Christian with gifts of the spirit to enable their devotion to God and to build up the church for Christian service. As disciples, we are called:

  1. To bear witness of God’s kingdom: the message of salvation offered through Christ to all people was to be declared to the end of the world. Jesus promised his disciples that they would testify to his power when the Holy Spirit came upon them. No one can do the work of God without being equipped by Him. Acts 1:8
  2. To bear Witness in Word and Deed:  all of us is called to continue the work of God by the words of our mouths and our good deeds. Humility, kindness, patience and obedience are required to every one who is working to expand the Gospel. No one obtains eternal life by his work or because he preaches but by faith in Jesus Christ. By behaving as good disciples of Christ, we enable others to serve God.
  3. To bear witness by lifting the feeble: every disciple is called to strengthen those who are feeble in their faith without condemning them. We have to make disciples, to teach them and to baptize them (Matthew 28:19). The gift of the Holy Spirit should not lead us to pride and think that we are better than others or to glorify ourselves but to do good to others and to do the work of God. 
  4. To have compassion: as followers of Jesus, we are called to continue the work of God in compassion. If we really desire to be clear reflections of Jesus Christ in our broken world, we will live with mercy and compassion in our hearts, words, and actions. 

Dear Congregation, the Kingdom of God is not in words but in power. Godly fear will help us to bear witness and to continue the work that Jesus Christ started, so that people may know that we are children of God. May the power that raises Jesus from death may work in us so that we may bear witness of God’s Kingdom without fear, conducting ourselves in humility because God resist the proud but he gives grace to the humble. Knowing that He who calls us is faithful. Let’s us glorify and honor him in all things.

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