When exactly are said to be beautiful the feet of those who preach the Gospel

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Sunday, April 23rd,2023

Topic:  When exactly are said to be beautiful the feet of those who preach the Gospel 

Preacher: Dr. Isaac MUYONGA

Isaiah 52:7

Romans 10:14-15

How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns.”

Every time you go and tell the news to people, are you telling them good or bad news? News can destroy some people and put them in great distress or depression. They can also be salvation and peace for others.

In 2 Samuel 18:19-33, the King was overcome with grief when he got the news about the death of his son Absalom. 

Our message is good when it’s announced: 

  1. The message of salvation

Salvation is news of God's love and forgiveness, adoption into His family, fellowship with His people, and freedom from the power of sin. We need this message of salvation. the feet of someone who announce salvation is beautiful. 

  1. The reign of God

We are saved because someone delivered us. God reigns over our enemies. We are delivered by the power of God. We announce the message of the power of God, the kingdom of the reign of Christ. If you are not preaching the reign of God, you’re not a good messenger and your feet are not beautiful. 

  1. The peace of God

The result of preaching the salvation and the reign of God is Peace. Salvation brings Peace with God, with ourselves, with friends, and with everyone.

Dear Congregation, the world cannot call on the one he has not believed in. The world is waiting for those who are going to preach salvation, the reign of God, and the Peace of God. The worldHow, then, can they call on? And how can they believe in the one whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? It is only in this way that their feet can be said to be beautiful when they are spreading the Gospel.

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