The joy of serving the Lord faithfully

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Sunday, February 19th,2023

Theme: The disciple’s commitment to the mission 

Topic:  The joy of serving the Lord faithfully 

Preachers: Pastor David John

2Timothy 4:7-8


Today's message is centered on the apostle Paul who joyfully served God. In 2 timothy 4:7-8, as Paul looked toward his coming death, he also looked back and gave positive statements about his ministry. Paul had commanded Timothy to do likewise, "fight the good fight of the faith." The most important requirements to be faithful are listed in different Paul’s letters. 

The joy of serving the Lord faithfully means that you must be able to: 

  • Deny yourself and pick up your cross and follow Jesus Christ: As Christians we must not behave like the rich man who asked Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life but who didn’t accept to follow Jesus because he recommended him to sell all his possessions and give his money to the poor; for he had many possessions.
  • Serve the Lord with humility of mind and body: As it’s said in Acts 20:19 (I served the Lord with great humility and with tears and in the midst of severe testing by the plots of my Jewish opponents.) Paul knew exactly what he was called to do, he knew what was the meaning of testifying faithfully. God has given to everyone of us gifts (evangelism, pastoral, prophecy…) What’s your role and which gift has been given to you that you don’t expose yet? Paul had a role of a preacher, a pastor, an apostle and a church planter which required from him faithfulness because it was not an easy task but when God is with us, no one can be against us. Everyone of us has a role in the kingdom of God. Paul completed the mission he was given by God.
  • In serving the Lord you have to guard yourself: Proverbs 4:23 tells us to guard our hearts above all things, for everything we do flows from it. The devil came to kill, to steel and to destroy but Christ came so that we may find abundant life in him.
  • Serve not for your own glory but for God’s glory: serving is not for honoring ourself but to honor God for the joy of the Lord is our strength as it’s said in Nehemiah 8:10

 Let us follow the example of the Apostle Paul in serving the Lord. Let Paul’s life be an encouragement to serve God. May we be challenged to serve God faithfully till Jesus Christ returns. May God help us to remain faithful till death so that we may receive at the end the coveted crown.

Dear congregation, salvation is free because Jesus Christ paid it all but discipleship is costly. Discipleship and evangelism will not happen if we are not committed to give and to deny ourselves, to pick our cross and give toward the work of the Lord.

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