When the foundations are being destroyed what can the righteous do?

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Sunday, 12th February 2023

Topic: When the foundations are being destroyed what can the righteous do?

Texts: Psalms 11:1-7, Isaiah 49:13-16, Heb 12:2

Preacher: Dr. Abel Muyisa

This psalm is basically a conversation between King David and his companions. David being a fugitive from King Saul, knew the safest place to stand was in radical trust in God regardless of his friends’ advice of running away. The outcome of his godly response to the tough situation draws our attention and guides today’s sermon.

If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do? This statement from David’s friends is more of a suggestion than a question, it’s an invitation to David to consider reality as it is and to opt for the obvious alternative which is to flee. David’s friends meant well, however, David didn’t agree with their recommendation because it leads him to find refuge in something else other than God, no matter how well-intentioned his friends were, they gave him the advice of fear which couldn’t stand with the position of trust David had in the LORD. David didn’t answer the question he was asked, his response didn’t depend on what surrounded him but was focused on God being on his throne, God’s promises, and his commitment towards his people.

Whenever we are threatened, we get advised by several people, most of those guidelines may mean well but not every good advice is a godly one, we must be able to distinguish the good and the godly alternative as David did.  when we go through trials, we shouldn’t focus on what is around us but we must look to Jesus Christ who is the author and the finisher of our faith, from him we get comfort, unconditional love, and find refuge. The Lord reminds us that he is committed to us, it doesn’t depend on what we do but on God’s faithfulness.  At the cross, Jesus was forsaken so that we will never be forsaken. How do we respond to such a demonstration of love and engagement? the most natural response is for us not to remain indifferent but put God first in everything we do because we know that whatever we are or have is the result of his love.

Brothers and sisters, are we ready to positively respond to God’s commitment and love?

By trusting in his promises, having faith in him, and recognizing his love for us. 

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