The encounter with God

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                                    The encounter with God

The book of exodus, a word which means departure (A journey from one place to another) tells us the story of the people of Israel going from Egypt to Canaan the promise land. Let’s have a look at Moses ‘story. Pharaoh had commanded that all males (new born Hebrews) would be drowned in the Nile river, but Moses' mother placed him in an ark and concealed the ark in the bulrushes by the riverbank, where the baby was discovered and adopted by Pharaoh's daughter, raised as an Egyptian. Moses encounters God in a burning bush, which leads him to help the Israelites escape from slavery in Egypt. Moses was a scientist, an intellectual brain. What’s does it mean to encounter God? Can people look at us and when they analyze, they conclude that we have been in the presence of the Lord? That we have met God? What does it mean to meet God? God doesn’t come in our presence but it’s us who go in his presence. Four indicators that show us that we’ve been in the presence of God: 

1. Recognizing that there is a God, (he is a powerful God and there’s a huge difference between him and us) that God will cause you to go and bow down in his presence. We see it in different stories of people who met God differently (Samuel, Saul at the road of Damascus;…) The Signature that shows you encounter God is the presence of humility and the growing in humility 

2. A self confidence is replaced by God ‘s confidence (Moses was an intellectual and he was strong, but he realized that he needed God) The signature is the dependence on God 

3. Our stuff become God’s stuff. Our gifts, talents and strength become tools that the Lord uses for miracles. Which gift the Lord has given to you so that you can put it in God’s hands for his glory? The Signature is to surrenderer our gifts and talents to God 

4. God gives us the gift of his presence. The Lord tells Moses, my presence will go with you. This is a greatest gift that we can receive from God. The signature is giving to God all the glory Question: who am I so that you can send me? That was the question of Moses to God. A confident becomes a dependent People of God, everything that you give to God, he breaks it first before using it. Our brokeness is a sign that God is about to use us powerfully. 

May God helps us to encounter with him! ☺

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