For financial independence walking with God

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Sunday, October 16th 2022


Scriptures: Genesis 1,31, Genesis 2,15, Ecclesiastes 11,6Proverbs 6, 6-11; Matthew 25, 14-25

Today’s message, conclude the whole week seminar on financial independence.

To reach and maintain financial independence, these are the things you need to know and put into actions:

I. Biblical basis for financial independence Genesis 1,31; Genesis 2,15; Proverbs 6, 6-8

II. How to reach and maintain financial independence while staying in the way of the Lord

- Do a self-assessment of your current financial situation, - Set a vision and goals and take the time to pray for it, - Find or develop an activity that generates income for you beyond your job (if you have one), - Train yourself in financial education and practice it (Be driven by a good financial culture), - Free yourself from debt if you have one of some and only take on debt to finance productive investment, - Have a budget culture and maximize your savings, - Diversify your sources of income, - Do a good accounting of your income correct tithing, - Be faithful in tithing (Malachi 3:10), - Seeking first the kingdom of God (Matthew 6.33).

III. Factors that promote financial independence and implication for the Christian and the Church

HABAKUK 2,6: Rely on or personal finances; PROVERBS 21,5:  The projects of the diligent man led to abundance

Some factors that prevent us from achieving financial: Personal belief, Low level of faith, Culture, Family context, Personal discipline, Lack of knowledge in financial education and the macro-economic context.

IV. Work, culture of savings and wisdom about debt as a way to financial independence:

Ecclesiastes 11,6(Christians should work hard beyond 8 hours); Proverbs 6, 6-11(Learn from the ant’s wisdom); Exodus 22, 25 (When possible, Christians should support each other with loans without interests.)

V. Biblical basis for entrepreneurship: Geneses 2, 15 Geneses 30, 27-30 Geneses 30, 43

VI. Steps and Principles to go through to succeed in entrepreneurship under a biblical approach in order to maintain financial independence

- Overcome fear and make the decision to start Matthew 25, 25; - Take the time to analyze and plan before you start Luke 14, 28; - Save time; - Always start in a small format with your own means, driven by à big vision and develop gradually with experience acquired Luke 16 :10; - Properly structure and organize your project using ICT tools for efficient management; - Be surrounded by the right people (workers, collaborators, advisers) and treat all those who accompany you in the implementation of your project well; - Practice Good Management and be a good role model to your entire team; - Do not disconnect from Christian principles in the development of your project (Proverbs 15,16 Proverbs 16,8 , Proverbs 13:11); Good accounting for correct tithing

VII. Know how to manage prosperity and not leave the way of the Lord

1. Deuteronomy 28:12 (Promise of prosperity for those who will remain attached to the Lord)

2. Matthew 6,33(Seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be given to us)

3. Matthew 5: 5-9 (no matter how much we will prosper, let us be humble and be those who bring peace)

4. Joshua 1,7(Do not deviate from the way of the Lord and act faithfully according to his word, we will succeed in all our projects.)

5. Surround ourselves with people who fear God

6. Always remember where we came from (not forgetting our past) Malachi 3:10

7. Count the blessings we have received and be a blessing to those around us.

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