Why is holiness important in our lives?

Sunday, November 6th ,2022

Topic: Why is holiness important in our lives?

Preacher: Sister GEMMA

1 Peter 1 :15-16


On this international month, we will be talking about discipleship into a holy life.

It’s very difficult talking about holiness cause the devil doesn’t want us to discuss about holiness in the church.

 It’s sometimes very difficult to understand the word “Holiness" even to explain it or to talk about it.  It’s a word that can make us feel uneasy and make us drawback. 

When we talk about holiness, can we see people walking with white cloths?

It’s not an outward appearance, it is a life style (your ways determine where you are heading)

Holiness is our life style, not only the way we dress up but a whole life (the way you talk, the way you live your everyday life)


Why is holiness important?

  1. For it is God’s will who make us holy through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross. Hebrew 10:10 (it’s not coming  from us but from God) living a holy life is only through Jesus. It’s God who initiated holiness in our lives.
  2. For without holiness, we cannot see God. Heb 13: 14 if we want to see God in our daily lives, we have to live holiness everyday.
  3. For it is a command 1 peter1 1:15-16 The word of God sanctify us every day. 
  4. For it is the mark of a transformed life Ephesians 4:24


To live a holy life is not easy, it’s very difficult cause we still live on earth and we have an enemy the devil but we don’t have to fear cause God initiated holiness for us through Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit and the bible are there for us, they will help us to live a holy life.

Every time we commit sins we have to confess because the Lord is faithful to forgive our sins according to 1John 1:9


Ephesians 4: 25-32

How to live a holy life?

  1. Putting away lies (v 25)
  2. Be angry and not to sin in your anger (v 26)
  3. Let him who stole steal no longer (v 28)
  4. Let no corrupt word proceed out of you mouth (v 29) Speak good words to people.
  5. Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God (v 30)
  6. Let all be bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor and evil speaking be put away from you (v 31)
  7. And be kind to one another, tender hearted, forgiving one another (v 32). For us to live a holy life, we have to forgive others and to be kind to them.



Living a holy life it’s not easy, but focus your eyes upon Jesus Christ because he is the only one who will help you to live a holy life. Amen 

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